Blogs - PacTec, Inc.

TransPac: The Money Saving Solution for Vacuum Boxes | PacTec Inc.

Written by PacTec | Nov 4, 2016 5:00:00 AM


Leaking Vacuum boxes? High clean out costs? Dusty Wastes?

PacTec, Inc.’s TransPac can SOLVE all of those problems. The TransPac is a single-spout, durable, multi-layered specialty waste bag manufactured specifically for use in a vacuum box. The process for using the TransPac in conjunction with a vacuum truck and vacuum box is simple and saves you and your customer money on many projects.

PacTec developed this process over 20 years ago for several different waste streams including sludges and dusty waste.

The TransPac prevents sludges from sticking to your vacuum box and ensures that your box does not leak. It can also prevent “dust clouds” at the landfill when hauling a dusty, powdery waste.

The TransPac can also be used in roll-off or end-dump containers for many waste streams including high heat waste.

To view the vacuum process using PacTec, Inc.’s TransPac, click here.

For more information see our website,, or call 800-272-2832 and ask for a sales representative.