Blogs - PacTec, Inc.

PacTec LiftPacs Integral Part of Nevada Site Cleanup

Written by PacTec | Jun 15, 2018 2:30:00 PM

The US DOE Office of Environmental Management is nearing completion of the remediation work at the Clean Slate sites just north of the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). This work involves excavating, packaging, and disposing of contaminated soil and debris at the NNSS.


The excavated soil is sealed within Department of Transportation-certified PacTec LiftPacs and loaded onto trucks at the Clean Slate II site.

This remediation project required 170 shipments for disposal. This summer, workers will begin excavating, removing, and packaging approximately 7,500 cubic yards of soil and debris from another site. The effort is expected to continue into 2019 and involve an estimated 450 shipments planned in multi-week campaigns.